donderdag 18 november 2010


Over alle gemeentes die camera's plaatsen
Zie ook NRC 18 nov 2010
Werensch oz dat t niet werkt maar dat t getuigt van daadkracht

woensdag 10 november 2010

typologische verwantschap tussen talen

Volgens Dahl (2008) zijn Duits en Nederlands de meest verwante talen ter wereld.
based on phylogenetics?
the typologist Ă–sten Dahl calls the area ‘the ultimate Sprachbund’
(Dahl 2008:218). Using data from the World Atlas of Language
Structures (Haspelmath et al. 2005), Dahl computed a pairwise
measure of typological distance among over 200 languages. This
numerical expression of distance ranges from 10 (Dutch versus
German) to 75 (Ju|’hoan versus Central Yup’ik), with a mean of 42
(e.g., English versus Persian). The typological distance between
two languages is a measure of how similar they are on a range of
structural measures. Dahl’s measures span all domains of linguistic
structure for which the World Atlas supplied data. These include
values of sound structure as well as presence and nature of
grammatical patterns (for example, whether number is obligatorily
marked in the grammar—yes for English, no for Khmer—or, for an
‘adjective+noun’ type structure, whether the adjective comes before
the noun as in English new village or after it as in Khmer phuum thmei).

zondag 7 november 2010

lingua cosmica

Mochten de aliens het horen: jullie zijn welkom

artikel over taal die door aliens te begijrpen is.