donderdag 18 augustus 2011


Imagoschade bij calamiteiten veroorzaak je meestal zelf

woensdag 17 augustus 2011

vrijdag 12 augustus 2011

thinking about the self influences thinking

Thinking about the self influences thinking in general:
cognitive consequences of salient self-concept
Ulrich K€uhnena and Daphna Oyserman

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 38 (2002) 492–499

Two studies support our hypothesis that connected and interdependent self-focus evokes a generally context-dependent cognitive
mode (focused on object–context relations) and provide some evidence that separate and independent self-focus evokes a generally
context-independent cognitive mode (focused on objects,independent of contexts). Consistent with our predictions,experimental
manipulation of interdependent self-focus influences cognitive speed/accuracy (Experiment 1) and memory (Experiment 2). When
primed self-focus is congruent with the perceptual task at hand,perceptual speed increases (as shown by a significant task by prime
interaction effect) and when primed,interdependent self-focus improves memory for incidentally encoded contextual information.
Further research to link primed and chronic self-focus effects is called for.

college over cultuurverschillen

Brewer en Gardner: who is this we? 1996
Gardner et al: I value freedom, we value relationships 1999

Brewer & Gardner – Who is this we? 1996

Priming of collective self
Eerst een tekst lezen, pronouns omcirkelen, (we – they – it)
Dan stellingen beantwoorden
Dan TST test (I am … * 20) beantwoorden (als we, dan meer sociale relatie-termen)