dinsdag 21 juni 2011

Part of Speech Tagging

Dit is een voorbeeld

The_AT0 globalisation_NN1 of_PRF the_AT0 marketplace_NN1 is_VBZ arguably_AV0 the_AT0 most_AV0 important_AJ0 challenge_NN1 companies_NN2 face_VVB today_AV0 ._.
The_AT0 globalisation_NN1 process_NN1 affects_VVZ all_DT0 aspects_NN2 of_PRF policy-making_NN1 in_PRP multinational_AJ0 companies_NN2 ,_, including_PRP Human_AJ0 Resource_NN1 (_( HR_NN0 )_) management_NN1 ._.

1 opmerking:

mgt zei

En dit is the treetagger