donderdag 12 maart 2009

Accommodation Theory

Artikel over CAT, met vijf niveaus van aanpassingUsing your L1 normally (degree zero of accommodation).

1 Using your L1 carefully.

2 Using your L1 or an L2 conventionally.

3 Using an L2 authentically (the L2 is your interlocutor's L1).
Using your L1 or an L2 interculturally (they are not your interlocutor's L1).

4 Using an L2 authentically (the L2 is neither party's L1).

5 Using an L2 idiosyncratically, through mutual elaboration of a creole.

If you use your L1 idiosyncratically to create a creole, you accommodate

at Level 2+ and your interlocutor (for whom it is an L2) at Level 5.

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