donderdag 19 maart 2009

MA opleidingen elders

Deze is in Nottingham - Louise Mullany
Problem Solving, Innovation Management

Organisational Behaviour
International Business Management
Interpersonal Communication
Intercultural Communication for Business Purposes
Introduction to Research Methods: Answering Questions with Evidence
Mobile Sociality: Embodiment, Technology and Communication
Optional Modules
Global Diversity in Language and Commuication
Eating Cultures: Food, Taste and Consumption
European and International Marketing
Globalisation, Communication and Postmodernity

London: Cross-cultural (beetje veel als wij vroeger)

Corporate communication (I-II)
Internal and external stakeholders
Media training
The manager as communicator
Strategy and management (I-II)
You are also able to choose between a number of elective subjects.

In the second year, you are able to specialise within three profiles:

Integrated market communication and PR
Tourism communication
Public communication
You can combine your specialisation with a relevant internship in Denmark or abroad, or you can elect to do an exchange with one of Aarhus School of Business’s more than 200 partner universities.

During the fourth and last term of the programme you must write your thesis. You choose the topic of your thesis yourself, but it must fall within one of the disciplines taught under the programme.

With an MA in Corporate Communication, you are qualified to handle relevant managerial functions within corporate communication in private and public enterprises, organisations and institutions.

Holders of the MA in Corporate Communication degree have the competences required to work at any level in the communication process, as can be seen below. Strategic insight combined with practical skills ensures reliable analyses and implementation.

Copenhagen valt een beetje tegen (is in Deens)

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