woensdag 18 januari 2012

automatische kwaliteitsbepaling van forumposts

Assessing the quality of user generated content is an important problem for many web forums. While quality is currently assessed manually, we propose an algorithm to assess the quality of forum posts automatically and test it on data provided by Nabble.com. We use state-of-the-art classification techniques and experiment with five feature classes: Surface, Lexical, Syntactic, Forum specific and Similarity features. We achieve an accuracy of 89% on the task of automatically assessing post quality in the software domain using forum specific features. Without forum specific features, we achieve an accuracy of 82%.

Clues for detecting irony in user-generated contents: oh...!! it's "so easy" ;-)

We investigate the accuracy of a set of surface patterns in identifying ironic sentences in comments submitted by users to an on-line newspaper. The initial focus is on identifying irony in sentences containing positive predicates since these sentences are more exposed to irony, making their true polarity harder to recognize. We show that it is possible to find ironic sentences with relatively high precision (from 45% to 85%) by exploring certain oral or gestural clues in user comments, such as emoticons, onomatopoeic expressions for laughter, heavy punctuation marks, quotation marks and positive interjections. We also demonstrate that clues based on deeper linguistic information are relatively inefficient in capturing irony in user-generated content, which points to the need for exploring additional types of oral clues.

Topic-sentiment analysis for mass opinion

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