dinsdag 20 november 2012

persuasion, values

Stuk over hoe via normen en waarden te overtuigen, via discussie

zondag 23 september 2012

zaterdag 15 september 2012

Twitterfontein II


vrijdag 7 september 2012

zondag 2 september 2012

woensdag 29 augustus 2012

Fed ex en sorry zeggen

Virale you tube met bezorger die pak over de hek flikkert Bart MartensGeen reacties Veel bedrijven willen “iets” doen met social media. Een viral video wordt vaak als het ultiem haalbare gezien, maar er is geen enkel recept dat succes garandeert. Maar zou je als bedrijf altijd blij moeten zijn met enorm veel “earned media”? De afgelopen week verscheen er een video op internet van een FedEx bezorger die een computer monitor over het hek gooit bij het afleveradres. De video is inmiddels al meer dan 4 miljoen keer bekeken. De reactie van de ontvanger van het pakketje: “Here is a video of my monitor being “delivered”. The sad part is that I was home at the time with the front door wide open. All he would have had to do was ring the bell on the gate. Now I have to return my monitor since it is broken.” Veel traditionele bedrijven zouden na lange tijd met een pers artikel komen waardoor de schade aan hun reputatie alleen maar groter wordt. FedEx snapt hoe social media werkt en reageert snel via een blogpost en een youtube film waarin ze erkennen wat er is gebeurd dat het bedrijf zich hiervan distantieert. Lees verder… Categories: Social MediaTags: FedEx, PR, Social Media, Youtube Reactie fedexhier

stealth marketing

problemen met undercover marketing?

privacy en Europa

Artikel in Frankwatching over privacy

zondag 26 augustus 2012

fawlty towers

hier een link naar youtube met heleaflevering over class, op het eind uitbarsting Basil

donderdag 16 augustus 2012

language priming en self

Language and Self-Construal Priming A Replication and Extension in a Hong Kong Sample Markus Kemmelmeier University of Nevada, markusk@unr.edu Belinda Yan-Ming Cheng University of Michigan Abstract Previous research has argued that language serves as a cognitive cue to reinforce culturally normative self-construals. We hypothesize that language-priming effects would be stronger for women than men and that they would primarily occur for self-construals that are not already latently salient in the respondents’ culture. Also, in contrast to earlier research on language priming of self-construals, we rely on Singelis’s independent and interdependent self-construal scales as closed-ended dependent measures. Using a bilingual sample from Hong Kong (n = 126), we experimentally varied questionnaire language (English vs. Chinese) and found support for all our predictions. The discussion focuses on cue strength as moderator of language-priming effects.

donderdag 9 augustus 2012

filmpje over patronen

vimeo, filmpjes over patronen m ooi gemaakt

Language and Self

Hier een link naar een recent artikel over zelfde onderzoek als Huib en ik. Language and the Bicultural Self Michael Ross University of Waterloo, mross@uwaterloo.ca W. Q. Elaine Xun University of Waterloo Anne E. Wilson Wilfrid Laurier University Abstract In a study of bicultural individuals’ self-perceptions, Chinese-born students were randomly assigned to participate in either Chinese or English. Serving as controls, Canadian-born participants of either European or Chinese descent participated in English. The effects of the language manipulation paralleled findings in previous studies comparing East Asians to North Americans. Participants responding in Chinese reported more collective self-statements in open-ended self-descriptions, lower self-esteem on the Rosenberg scale, and more agreement with Chinese cultural views than did the remaining groups. In their self-descriptions, participants writing in Chinese provided similar numbers of favorable and unfavorable self-statements. The other groups reported more favorable self-statements. Participants reporting in Chinese indicated similar levels of positive and negative mood. The remaining groups reported more positive mood. The results suggest that East-Asian and Western identities may be stored in separate knowledge structures in bicultural individuals, with each structure activated by its associated language

Sapir-Whorf bewijzen

Leonard Carmichael and his colleagues demonstrated that subjects had different systematic distortions in their recall of ambiguous line drawings depending upon which verbal label they were given (e.g. dumbbells or eyeglasses). Experiments on eyewitness testimony by Elizabeth Loftus and others showed that by varying the verb (e.g. crashed or hit) one can manipulate the estimated speed of the traveling car given by the subjects.

Chandler over Sapir-Whorf

Chandler heeft een blog over Vertalen en Sapir-Whorf

woensdag 8 augustus 2012

polly anna

En hier de movie, disney 1960

polly anna

Hier een youtube filmpje over het principe, maar er wordt verwezen naar een film, zelfs een oskarwinnende.


Blijkt uit literatuur dat - rozin al iets zegt over de kracht van extreme polariteit (in onze richting) - dat Peeters en Czapinski er iets over zeggen (zie artikel) - dat Czapinski zelfs in 1982 zegt dat als je gematigd positief bent, de negativiteitsbias omkeert, dan is positief krachtiger dan negatief! Positive–negative asymmetry at group and individual level: Further evidence and a new interpretation. CzapiƄski, Janusz Polish Psychological Bulletin, Vol 13(2), 1982, 153-158. Abstract Compared manifestations of positive–negative asymmetry in responses of small formal groups (undergraduate classes) and individuals. They were found to be essentially similar. Groups more strongly rejected their negative members than they accepted the positive ones, whereas the number of rejected members and all negative choices were smaller than the number of accepted members and all positive choices. On the individual level, it was found that among significantly polarized evaluations, negative ones had more importance than positive ones, while for slightly polarized evaluations the reverse was true. A new interpretation is proposed for the positive–negative asymmetry phenomenon, based on the assumption of negative events having more importance than positive, and on the hypothesis of the asymmetric influence of adaptive responses on evaluative responses of different valency. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Anky Mega

Anky is megagelukkig met haar bronzen medaille

vrijdag 13 juli 2012

half vol glas

en nog een glas



Slobin Thinking for Speaking

Sapir-Worf in nieuw jasje.
"becoming a competent speaker of a language requires learning certain language-specific modes of thinking, which he dubbed "thinking for speaking". "

which claims that the language we learn shapes the way we perceive reality and think about it. This view is often contrasted with the "language acquisition device" view of Noam Chomsky and others, who think of language acquisition as a process largely independent of learning and cognitive development.

Children use canonical sentence schemas

The most significant data gathered from the results was that Turkish children perform extremely accurate on all the grammatical sentences, even from the youngest age. Overall, the Turkish subjects perform better than children learning other languages. "The English and Italian children in the younger ages perform at an intermediate level and the Serbo-Croatian children had the greatest difficulty

woensdag 11 juli 2012

Harzing en de invloed van engels

Cross-national research is plagued by many obstacles. This article focuses on one of these obstacles: the fact that research in more than one country usually involves respondents with different native languages. We investigated whether the language of the questionnaire influences response patterns. More specifically we tested whether responding in a common language (English) leads to a homogenization of responses across countries, hence obscuring national differences. We tested this hypothesis with a sample of 3419 undergraduate students in 24 countries. Half the students in each country received an English-language questionnaire, while the other half received the same questionnaire in their native language. Three types of questions were included in the questionnaire: questions about cultural norms and values, questions about characteristics of the ideal type of jobs that students would prefer after graduation, and questions about the reasons for choosing particular electives in their studies. Differences across countries were considerably smaller for nearly all questions when the English-language questionnaire was used. Consequences and recommendations for cross-national research and management are discussed.



Artikel over belang van e-wom, in vergelijking tot wom, invloed op koopgedrag,
nav bonner en willemsen in bundel Christien

Sun, Youn, Wu & Kuntaraporn 2006

Ander artikel: over Lurking and Posting. Blijkt dat posters beinvloed worden door de negatieve mening van andere posters, en hun mening bijstellen.

Schlosser, AE. 2005

Posters (those communicating their experience to others) are influenced only by another’s negative opinion because it triggers such social concerns as appearing indiscriminate. Consequently, they adjust their public attitudes downward. Self‐presentational concerns appear to cause this negativity bias: lurkers (those not posting their opinion) were less affected by another’s negative opinion. Furthermore, posters presented more than one side when publicly explaining their attitudes. These effects persisted despite posters’ favorable product experiences and commitment to these attitudes.

Paper Abstract Kerkhof
 Het vermenselijken van een bedrijf: effecten van persoonlijke vs. onpersoonlijke

bedrijfsreacties op negatieve online consumenten reviews

culture en communication style

Artikel van Gudykunst en Matsumoto

Artikel van Harzinghttp://ccm.sagepub.com/content/6/2/243.abstract

Studies of attitudes across countries generally rely on a comparison of aggregated mean scores to Likert-scale questions. This presupposes that when people complete a questionnaire, their answers are based on the substantive meaning of the items to which they respond. However, people's responses are also influenced by their response style. Hence, the studies we conduct might simply reflect differences in the way people respond to surveys, rather than picking up real differences in management phenomena across countries. Our 26-country study shows that there are major differences in response styles between countries that both confirm and extend earlier research. Country-level characteristics such as power distance, collectivism, uncertainty avoidance and extraversion all significantly influence response styles such as acquiescence and extreme response styles. Further, English-language questionnaires are shown to elicit a higher level of middle responses, while questionnaires in a respondent's native language result in more extreme response styles. Finally, English-language competence is positively related to extreme response styles and negatively related to middle response styles. We close by discussing implications for cross-national research.

En hier van Johnson et al.

The authors investigated at the country level the effects of four cultural orientations identified and studied by Hofstede on two commonly recognized response biases: extreme response style and acquiescent responding. Data are presented from approximately 18,000 survey questionnaires completed by employees in 19 nations on five continents (Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, India, Japan, Malaysia, Portugal, Turkey, the United Kingdom, Mexico, the Philippines, Poland, Singapore, Hong Kong, France, and Italy). Hierarchical linear modeling was employed to examine the associations between person-level response styles and country-level cultural orientations. Consistent with theoretical expectations, power distance and masculinity were found to be positively and independently associated with extreme response style. Individualism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, and masculinity were each found to be negatively associated with acquiescent response behavior. Further research is needed to identify how question characteristics might interact with cultural orientations to influence response behavior.

En deze is van Herk en Verhallen et al.

In cross-cultural studies with social variables such as values or attitudes, it is often assumed that differences in scores can be compared at face value. However, response styles like acquiescence and extreme response style may affect answers, particularly on rating scales. In three sets of data from marketing studies, each with representative samples fromat least threeoutofsix countries(Greece,Italy, Spain,France,Germany, andthe United Kingdom), these two response styles were found to be more present in the Mediterranean than in Northwestern Europe. Evidence for response style effects was not only found in response distributions on rating scales, but also in discrepancies of these distributions with national consumer statistics and self-reported actual behavior.

En dan nog deze:
Conversing across cultures: East-West communication styles in work and nonwork contexts.
Sanchez-Burks, Jeffrey; Lee, Fiona; Choi, Incheol; Nisbett, Richard; Zhao, Shuming; Koo, Jasook
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 85(2), Aug 2003, 363-372. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.85.2.363

dinsdag 3 juli 2012

maandag 14 mei 2012

Colours in culture

Kleuren betekenten andere dingen in andere culturen

crosscultural surveys

Meetinstrumenten aanpassen aan cultuur. Aanpassing, vertaling, emic/etic. Harkness 2004, maar op deze site zelfde informatie

woensdag 9 mei 2012

Brief minister over succes RVP

Hier de brief van minister over succes RVP


Hier een site met polariteitsanalyse van bijvoeglijknaamwoorden. Auteurs: Jijkoun en Hofmann

zondag 6 mei 2012

hpv-prik 2012


maandag 12 maart 2012

dinsdag 28 februari 2012

Social Media Do's and don'ts

Site met verwijzingen naar social media en onderzoek en risk communicaton. Meerdere toepassingen van nieuwe media en onderzoek. Hier een site met overzicht van do's en dont's. Erg toegepast

vrijdag 17 februari 2012

Accent komt terug met herinnering aan kindertijd

Hier een interview met Bill Bryson dat volgens bloggist, heel engels klinkt, behalve als hij over jersey en zijn childhood spreekt (Ă­t)
How to think in a foreign language context vs conditioning herinnering aan accenten in Economist

woensdag 15 februari 2012

Bond tegen Vloeken Zwanen

Bond tegen vloeken, Zwanen, KLM

Vroeger was  het beter en te begrijpen:

maandag 13 februari 2012

social judgment

Hier een goede uitleg en een voorbeeld van hoe het werkt.

Quick Summary

There are five principles of Social Judgment Theory.

•Principle 1. We have categories of judgment by which we evaluate persuasive positions.

•Principle 2. When we receive persuasive information, we locate it on our categories of judgment.

•Principle 3. Our level of “ego-involvement” affects the size of our latitudes.

•Principle 4. We tend to distort incoming information to fit our categories of judgment.

•Principle 5. Small to moderate discrepancies between our anchor positions and the one advocated will cause us to change; large discrepancies will not.


Nederlandse vereniging Edelpelsdierenhouders

Onderzoek Maurice de Hond waaruit blijkt dat NL in principe tegen verbod op pelshouderij is.

zondag 5 februari 2012

Interculturele communicatie - onzekerheidsvermijding

Hier is de verwijzing naar de site waarbij je op de wereldkaart kunt klikken end at er dan een score verschijnt

woensdag 1 februari 2012

Openheid crisis

Openheid voor de een is teveel voor de ander

crisis, trust, transparency

Artikel over Sars en Singapore, hoe het goed ging Na Katrina Hoe crisis te managenen (en post managen) na business crisis met internet based applicaties Regulators and their advisors took the view that the best way out of this quagmire would be to put forward a new model of regulatory decision-making. This model would be based on transparency throughout the regulatory process and would encourage public and stakeholder deliberation. The model would also promote risk-averse decision making such as the adoption of the precautionary principle, as regulators are frightened about possible scandals lurking around the corner. Finally, in the new model, scientists are to a certain degree demoted. The new model of regulatory decision-making is not problem-free, however. It has a number of teething problems, which this paper addresses. A meta-analysis of the authors’ research based on qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, including professionally conducted telephone interviews, focus groups, in-depth interviews and ethnography, suggests that strategic risk communication based on the concept that ideas and meaning count, transparency, building trust through community outreach and collaborative decision making, acknowledging uncertainty, and narrative enactment are fundamental communication guidelines for good organizations communicating well; keys for risk communication if it is to add value to society.


Itt tot Percy en Rossiter hier een andere indeling, uit commerciele economie: geldt in de commerciĂ«le economie het onderscheid tussen producten (goederen en diensten) waarvan men de kwaliteit redelijk vooraf kan bepalen (‘zoekproducten’, zoals auto’s, huizen en wasmachines), die waarvan men de kwaliteit tijdens gebruik bepaalt (‘ervaringsproducten’, zoals restaurant, concert, vakantie), en die waarvan men ook na gebruik de kwaliteit nog steeds niet goed kan beoordelen (‘geloofsproducten’, zoals advies, medische zorg, onderwijs2). De gebruiker wordt kwetsbaarder maarmate de beoordeling moeilijker is. Zie: Bart Nooteboom, UvT

dinsdag 24 januari 2012

Sociale media & crisiscomm

Schultz et al. 2011 in public relations review

Statusupdates microbloggen

THE State of THE bligosphere
Brian solis

woensdag 18 januari 2012

taalanalyse en sentiment analyse

Using appraisal groups for sentiment analysis

Little work to date in sentiment analysis (classifying texts by `positive' or `negative' orientation) has attempted to use fine-grained semantic distinctions in features used for classification. We present a new method for sentiment classification based on extracting and analyzing appraisal groups such as ``very good'' or ``not terribly funny''. An appraisal group is represented as a set of attribute values in several task-independent semantic taxonomies, based on Appraisal Theory. Semi-automated methods were used to build a lexicon of appraising adjectives and their modifiers. We classify movie reviews using features based upon these taxonomies combined with standard ``bag-of-words'' features, and report state-of-the-art accuracy of 90.2%. In addition, we find that some types of appraisal appear to be more significant for sentiment classification than others.


Sentiment Analysis Opinion Mining

Opinion Mining and Sentiment AnalysisAn important part of our information-gathering behavior has always been to find out what other people think. With the growing availability and popularity of opinion-rich resources such as online review sites and personal blogs, new opportunities and challenges arise as people now can, and do, actively use information technologies to seek out and understand the opinions of others. The sudden eruption of activity in the area of opinion mining and sentiment analysis, which deals with the computational treatment of opinion, sentiment, and subjectivity in text, has thus occurred at least in part as a direct response to the surge of interest in new systems that deal directly with opinions as a first-class object.

This survey covers techniques and approaches that promise to directly enable opinion-oriented information-seeking systems. Our focus is on methods that seek to address the new challenges raised by sentiment-aware applications, as compared to those that are already present in more traditional fact-based analysis. We include material on summarization of evaluative text and on broader issues regarding privacy, manipulation, and economic impact that the development of opinion-oriented information-access services gives rise to. To facilitate future work, a discussion of available resources, benchmark datasets, and evaluation campaigns is also provided.

Polariteit/Valentie automatisch bepalenA sentimental education: sentiment analysis using subjectivity summarization based on minimum cuts

Sentiment analysis seeks to identify the viewpoint(s) underlying a text span; an example application is classifying a movie review as "thumbs up" or "thumbs down". To determine this sentiment polarity, we propose a novel machine-learning method that applies text-categorization techniques to just the subjective portions of the document. Extracting these portions can be implemented using efficient techniques for finding minimum cuts in graphs; this greatly facilitates incorporation of cross-sentence contextual constraints.

automatische kwaliteitsbepaling van forumposts

Assessing the quality of user generated content is an important problem for many web forums. While quality is currently assessed manually, we propose an algorithm to assess the quality of forum posts automatically and test it on data provided by Nabble.com. We use state-of-the-art classification techniques and experiment with five feature classes: Surface, Lexical, Syntactic, Forum specific and Similarity features. We achieve an accuracy of 89% on the task of automatically assessing post quality in the software domain using forum specific features. Without forum specific features, we achieve an accuracy of 82%.

Clues for detecting irony in user-generated contents: oh...!! it's "so easy" ;-)

We investigate the accuracy of a set of surface patterns in identifying ironic sentences in comments submitted by users to an on-line newspaper. The initial focus is on identifying irony in sentences containing positive predicates since these sentences are more exposed to irony, making their true polarity harder to recognize. We show that it is possible to find ironic sentences with relatively high precision (from 45% to 85%) by exploring certain oral or gestural clues in user comments, such as emoticons, onomatopoeic expressions for laughter, heavy punctuation marks, quotation marks and positive interjections. We also demonstrate that clues based on deeper linguistic information are relatively inefficient in capturing irony in user-generated content, which points to the need for exploring additional types of oral clues.

Topic-sentiment analysis for mass opinion

corpusonderzoek en automatisering

Automatic creation of a reference corpus for political opinion mining in user-generated content

We propose and evaluate a method for automatically creating a reference corpus for training text classification procedures for mining political opinions in user-generated content. The process starts by compiling a collection of highly opinionated comments posted by users on an on-line newspaper. Then, we define and use a set of manually-crafted high-precision rules supported by a large sentiment-lexicon in order to identify sentences in each comment expressing opinions about political entities. Finally, the opinions found are propagated to the remainder sentences of the comment mentioning the same entities, thus increasing the number and variety of opinion-bearing sentences. Results show that most of the rules can identify negative opinions with very high precision, and these can be safely propagated to the remainder sentences in the comment in almost 100% of the cases. Due to problems arising from irony, the precision of identification drops for positive opinions, but several rules still reach high precision. Propagation of positive opinions is correct in about 77% of the cases, and most errors at this stage result from irony and polarity inversion throughout the comment.

Travelreviews, survey

Use and Impact of Online Travel Reviews

Consumer-generated content (CGC) is growing in importance. Especially online travel reviews written by consumers are ever more available and used to inform travel-related decisions. A Web-based survey of users of the most prominent travel review site, TripAdvisor, was conducted to investigate how other travellers’ reviews inform the trip planning process. Since current CGC statistics show generational and gender differences, the study also aimed at examining whether those carry over into the realm of travel review use. The results show that reviews are used mostly to inform accommodation decisions and are currently not used much for en route travel planning. Gender differences were found for perceived impacts of reviews, with females reaping greater benefits from using reviews, especially in terms of enjoyment and idea generation. Age differences occurred across a variety of perceptions and use behaviours. Implications for travel marketing and travel information systems design are provided.

effect van eWOM, polariteit, valentie ook

CyberPsychology & Behavior
How Consumers Evaluate eWOM (Electronic Word-of-Mouth) Messages

Sun-Jae Doh, M.S.
Department of Advertising and Public Relations, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea.
Jang-Sun Hwang, Ph.D.
Department of Advertising and Public Relations, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea.

This experiment explored how consumers evaluate electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) messages about products. Each participant was exposed a 10-message set in a single board. Five groups were manipulated in terms of their ratios of positive and negative messages. The result showed significant differences across various sets of eWOM messages. Although more positive sets showed higher scores in many cases, this was not true in all situations, especially for the case of credibility. Involvement and prior knowledge partially moderated the relationship between the ratio of messages and the eWOM effect. The credibility of Web sites and eWOM messages can be damaged in the long run if all of the eWOM messages are positive.

eWOM, polariteit, reputatie

Information direction, website reputation and eWOM effect: A moderating role of product type
This article examines how the electronic word of mouth (eWOM) information direction (positive vs. negative) and a website's reputation (established vs. unestablished) contribute to the eWOM effect. The article describes a study focusing on the moderating role of the product type (search vs. experience). The results of the experiment show that the eWOM effect is greater for negative eWOM than for positive eWOM, greater for established websites than for unestablished websites, and greater for experience goods than for search goods. The results support the moderating effects of product type on the eWOM information direction-website reputation-eWOM effect relationship. The impact of negative eWOM on the eWOM effect is greater for experience goods than for search goods. Similarly, the impact of website reputation on the eWOM effect is greater for experience goods than for search goods. The findings provide managerial implications for an Internet marketing strategy.

eveneens met valence:

LEE: Electronic word of mouth (eWOM): How eWOM platforms influence consumer product judgement

This study explores whether and how different online platforms to which electronic word of mouth (eWOM) communication is posted influence consumers judgements of reviewed products. Additionally, this study examines the moderating role of the valence of eWOM on the platformsconsumer product judgement relationship. Our findings indicated that, other things being equal, participants exposed to the review posted on the personal blog were more likely to attribute the review to circumstances and less likely to recommend the product to friends than those who were exposed to the review either on the independent review website or the brands website. The effect of the eWOM platforms on consumer willingness to recommend the product to friends was found only when the review was positive. When the review was negative, however, there were detrimental effects on consumer willingness to recommend the product to friends regardless of the eWOM platform. Practical and theoretical implications of the findings were discussed.

eWOM versus forummededelignen

Through Web-based consumer opinion platforms (e.g., epinions.com), the Internet enables customers to share their opinions on, and experiences with, goods and services with a multitude of other consumers; that is, to engage in electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) communication. Drawing on findings from research on virtual communities and traditional word-of-mouth literature, a typology for motives of consumer online articulation is developed. Using an online sample of some 2,000 consumers, information on the structure and relevance of the motives of consumers' online articulations is generated. The resulting analysis suggests that consumers' desire for social interaction, desire for economic incentives, their concern for other consumers, and the potential to enhance their own self-worth are the primary factors leading to eWOM behavior. Further, eWOM providers can be grouped based on what motivates their behavior, suggesting that firms may need to develop different strategies for encouraging eWOM behavior among their users.

Word of mouth

Effect van negatieve WOM - artikel (oud)

Word-of-mouth meest betrouwbare vorm van reclame

70% van WOM-mers zijn geen early adopters of innovators! Hoe die te bereiken?

cross-cultural en aanpassingen in tests

hier een artikel over cross-culturele aanpassingen van toetsen en tests

en hier een over overzicht in het veld
Language and language use are such pervasive yet unobtrusive features of cross-cultural psychological research that their impact on studies is often underestimated or overlooked. In this paper three major aspects of language use in cross-cultural psychological research are discussed: (a) language as a field of study, (b) language of tests or measuring instruments as a methodological problem in studies, and (c) language as a medium in which studies are done and communicated. The paper provides a brief overview of language related research and methodology in cross-cultural psychology.

pdf uit Heidelberg over current issues, en ook toepassing op werkgebieden (werkvloer, etc.)

hier een ppt met inleiding op taal en cultuur (beetje obligaat, maar wel met relevante aandachtspunten) (ook over sapir worff)

Cross-cultural and Language

Artikel over relatie taal en cultuur gebruik van pronomina

Culture and LanguageThe Case of Cultural Dimensionsand Personal Pronoun Use

The relationship between culture and language was examined across 39 languages spoken in 71 cultures. Correlations were computed across languages and cultures between the use of first- and second-person singular pronouns (e.g., "I" and "you") and global cultural dimensions such as Individualism, which were previously extracted in large-scale cross-cultural surveys. The personal pronouns were analyzed in terms of the number of first- and second-person singular pronouns and whether the pronouns can be dropped when used as the subject of a sentence in speech. Cultures with pronoun drop languages tended to be less Individualistic than those with nonpronoun drop languages. The number of personal pronouns correlated with some cultural dimensions that reflected different conceptions of the person. Personal deixis (person-indexing pronouns) may provide a window through which cultural practices can be investigated.

cross-cultural psychology


Culture refers to many characteristics of a group of people, including attitudes, behaviors, customs and values that are transmitted from one generation to the next (Matsumoto, 2000). Cultures throughout the world share many similarities, but are marked by considerable differences. For example, while people of all cultures experiences happiness, how this feeling is expressed varies from one culture to the next. The goal of cross-cultural psychologists is to look at both universal behaviors and unique behaviors to identify the ways in which culture impacts our behavior, family life, education, social experiences and other areas.

maandag 16 januari 2012


How to Say You’re Sorry: 10 CEO YouTube Apologies


Stamsneijder ook in Ad link hier

Hier tips over sorry zeggen: communicatietips

Sorry zeggen wordt overschat - Nu.wetenschap

Psychological Science over Sorry en voorspellingen?

Apologies Fail to Live Up to Our Expectations Scientific American

De enige conclusie die kan trekken is dat in een laboratorium experiment "mensen die zich een excuus hebben ingebeeld, veel meer waarde hechten aan de verontschuldiging dan de proefpersonen die daadwerkelijk een excuusbriefje hebben gekregen".

De wetenschappers geven zelf al aan dat in de werkelijkheid andere factoren een rol spelen en dat hun conclusie een suggestie is.

Kortom een mooi rapport voor onder in de la en nooit meer aan refereren.

Lees meer: http://www.nujij.nl/wetenschap/sorry-zeggen-wordt-overschat.11142388.lynkx#ixzz1jf8cLLqT

Compleet eens met de conclusie van DownTheDrain. Het zou fijn zijn als wetenschappers zich gaan realiseren dat hun conclusies uit een onderzoek vaak geen relatie hebben met het onderzoek. De enige conclusie die je uit dit onderzoek kan maken is: "Als je excuses wilt maken heeft het vrijwel geen zin om dat met een briefje te doen. Waarschijnlijk komt dat omdat het niet voldoet aan de verwachting die iemand heeft over hoe excuses zouden gemaakt moeten worden. Dat hebben we helaas niet onderzocht, dus blijft het raden."

Lees meer: http://www.nujij.nl/wetenschap/sorry-zeggen-wordt-overschat.11142388.lynkx#ixzz1jf8kSUZX

